Marketing Internship Program

Jan 2024

Applications open: Nov 2023

  • This program consists of six months of unpaid training and placements allowing university students to gain competency across various areas of marketing all while getting a taste of what it’s like to work at a marketing agency

  • To be eligible for this program, you must be a current university student enrolled in an Australian university or be a recent university graduate (graduated within the last 12 months)

  • The program will run start in January 2024. You must be available for at least 8 hours work a week during the selected dates, additionally working on-site in our Collingwood office

This internship program is limited to only 12 students

Bad news:

Good news:

We will be running another internship program in march 2024!

A university education is an integral part of a young adult’s life as it equips you with new knowledge, trains you in critical thinking and problem-solving skills, encourages creativity and independent thought.

While academic theory is important, equally important is the application of your knowledge and skills in a workplace context, where feedback from industry and/or community is integral to your experience.

CampusLife™ internship program provides university students the opportunity to get their foot into the industry, gain valuable work experience in the workplace.

This program consists of a combination of online training plus in-person coaching from our sister agency, Social Star. This six-month period allows university students to gain competency across various areas of marketing all while getting a taste of what it’s like to work at a marketing agency.

*Please note this is an unpaid training program, we ask for no fees

 What will I gain from this internship program?

  • Hands-on work experience that will help you develop your skills within the fields of sales and marketing whilst also having a safe space to ask questions, make mistakes and learn from them

  • A better understanding of the work environment and what employers and clients expect of their employees

  • An opportunity to develop work-related competencies and skills, such as teamwork, strategic thinking, presentation, client management skills and more

  • Increased self-understanding, workplace maturity, independence, and self-confidence

  • The chance to ‘try out’ a workplace or industry setting and the opportunity to explore possible career options

  • Gain a mentor from the marketing industry whom will provide you with advice and guidance throughout your career

No, really. But what are the tangible outcomes for me?


You will…

Get to build your personal brand and portfolio (e.g. website, LinkedIn, CampusLife app profile, pitch videos etc) with the guidance of CampusLife team

Receive work experience evaluation from your CampusLife mentor or team leader to include in future job applications

Gain or expand your professional network

How will the program run?

Here at CampusLife, a big part of our culture is mentoring. Therefore, through mentoring and guidance by our team, interns will move through different stations within the business such as sales, content creation/management, event planning, branding and so on to complete several projects.

Additionally, interns will also work in pairs using a buddy system. To goal here is to provide intentional peer mentoring relationship between interns, allowing you to share job-related knowledge and learnings, bounce ideas off each other, and provide psychosocial support for each other throughout the program.

While you will receive support and guidance from our team, working as an intern also requires initiative and motivation on your part. So come to work with an open mind and enthusiasm to learn; be proactive, research answers to problems before asking senior staff.

This will also be your chance to apply your university studies in a workplace context so we also encourage you to refer back to university learning materials to help guide you through projects too.

This sounds great! How do I apply?

First thing’s first, to apply for this program…

  • You must be a current university study enrolled in an Australian university or a recent university graduate (graduated within the last 12 months).

  • Additionally, the program will run for a six-month period. You must commit 12 hours a week during the selected dates, working effectively online and additionally working on-site in our Collingwood office.

Application Process

You are required to submit a video of yourself (minimum 2 minutes, maximum 10 mins) that includes the following information:

  1. Background information – your name, university, degree/course, year level

  2. Work experience and skills – any prior work experience, your skills, strengths, and capabilities (please provide evidence if available, i.e. websites or social sites of projects you’ve created, worked on or managed)

  3. Interests – any interests that may be relevant to your career (i.e. you love playing sports and would love to work in sports marketing)

  4. Tell us what you hope to gain from this internship, why we should hire you and how/what you intend to contribute to the team

Please note that these are guidelines, you are free to include additional information that may help you with your application. Moreover, you can be as creative as you want with how you film your video in terms of style and format.

Nevertheless, here is a how-to tips to help you get started: How to film your pitch video

Upload your video onto YouTube, make sure to list it as ‘unlisted’ so we are able to find/view it.

Then make your applications here. Be sure to include your video!


Application close: -December 15th 2023 (extended until December 22nd)

Candidates’ review/selection period: - January 8th 2024

Accepted candidates to be announced on: - January 15th 2024


All the best! We look forward to receiving your applications!

Questions? Please get in touch!